Symfony 4 & 5 Web Development Guide: Beginner To Advanced

Symfony 4 & 5 Web Development Guide: Beginner To Advanced

Symfony 4 & 5 Web Development Guide: Beginner To Advanced
Symfony 4 & 5 Web Development Guide: Beginner To Advanced, Master Symfony PHP framework: from theory, through simple crud app, up to creating an advanced Real Life Application
Bestseller, Created by Symfony & Laravel Stuff


What you'll learn
You will create two apps: simple crud app and an advanced video sharing service with PayPal integration, deployment to Heroku etc.
You will learn Symfony 4 & 5 from theory to advanced level by creating real life projects
You will learn how to create multilevel nested categories tree in PHP
You will learn how to install Symfony
You will learn about Symfony configuration
You will learn about Symfony Flex
You will learn about HTTP processing workflow in Symfony framework
You will learn routes
You will learn controllers
You will learn views in Symfony using Twig
You will learn html forms in Symfony
You will learn Doctrine ORM (how to use database)
You will learn entities (models) in Symfony and relations between them
You will learn about service container & services in Symfony
You will learn dependency injection (autowiring in Symfony)
You will learn console command
You will learn how to create events and listeners
You will learn how to use sessions & cookies in Symfony
You will learn how to send emails
You will learn how to do translations in Symfony
You will learn about security concepts in Symfony (login, registration, etc.)
You will learn unit & functional testing
You will learn about debugging Symfony applications
You will learn about cache
You will learn how to use Redis for session and cache
You will learn about doctrine table inheritance in Symfony & polymorphic database queries
You will learn how to deploy a Symfony application to Heroku (make application online)
You will learn how to integrate PayPal with the Symfony application for making subscription billing
You will learn how to use external API (Vimeo api) and use it with the Symfony application
You will be able to create your own websites or web applications in Symfony framework
You will learn basics of RabbitMQ message broker
You will learn basics of Messenger Component
You will learn CQRS pattern - command query responsibility segregation
You will learn REST API with Symfony & API Platform

More Courses by Symfony & Laravel Stuff

Includes Test-Driven Development (TDD) by creating real life app with PHP & PHPUnit and Selenium acceptance testing

Learn PayPal Checkout & Subscription services by building e-commerce shopping cart & video subscription website

Advanced Web Development with Laravel (nice PHP framework) by creating Web App - Reservation System with Mobile Version

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